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English Pub

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Сообщений в теме: 34

#23718 Oreseeker

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Отправлено 29 апреля 2014 - 21:28



In this topic everyone can post here messages in English. Other languages are forbidden.
Feel free to chat with other forummates! :)

Сообщение отредактировал Zuboskal: 10 июня 2014 - 19:59

#21 phoenixxt

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Отправлено 27 августа 2014 - 21:52

So, basically this new school of yours can be counted as an evening one? Hm, I didn't even know that they exist in Russia. Anyway, how did that happen? Is it the only school in your town or do you have some other reasons to go to that school? Personally I can't imagine myself going to school at 2 p.m. I don't know how much time it'd take for me to adjust to something like that. I'd probably just waste the first part of my day each time because of not knowing what exactly to do with it. So, evening schools are definitely not for me:) But I hope you'll get used to it:)

What kind of an exam? And will it take place at the end of the year? 

#22 Oreseeker

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Отправлено 27 августа 2014 - 21:54

I was approved to study in MSU. And local medical examination takes too much time. Took 5 hours to visit 3 from 6 doctors. Still need to go there again -_-

#23 Defman

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Отправлено 27 августа 2014 - 21:59

Anyway, how did that happen?

Some walls in my school has very dangerous state...

What kind of an exam?

Exam for grade 9.

#24 phoenixxt

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Отправлено 27 августа 2014 - 22:07

Oreseeker, yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. I had the same problem 2 months ago, though it's nothing compared to the hell that I experienced 8 months ago, when I had to go to a recruitment office and the hospital after that. I spent days in those horrible queues.

Oh, and congrats, btw:)

Сообщение отредактировал phoenixxt: 27 августа 2014 - 22:08

#25 enzyme

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Отправлено 27 августа 2014 - 23:37

Oreseeker, hey, yer a big fella, ain't ye? Congrats.  :Пивасик:

#26 Oreseeker

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Отправлено 28 августа 2014 - 04:53

phoenixxt,enzyme,  yeah, ty guys :)

#27 Defman

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Отправлено 08 ноября 2014 - 21:08

Is this section dead at all?

#28 Oreseeker

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Отправлено 08 ноября 2014 - 22:52

Defman, i guess so. 

#29 f♂ASS♂nacht

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Отправлено 08 ноября 2014 - 23:38

At the forum a few people who are interested to speak English.


#30 Gimstail

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Отправлено 26 декабря 2014 - 16:29

Smells like teen spirit  :Круто: 

#31 kl-13

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Отправлено 16 января 2015 - 20:49

I so so speak english.

Бывший участник старого форума bestgothic (Участник Питерского поинта (уже нескольких), и последующий член форума gothicgame после закрытия Беста), Killerlot из Тёмного Ордена (А думал что из Болотного лагеря, оказывается я их не застал уже тогда). Ныне отшельник на болоте, по легендам когда-то бывший глава БС. Да пребудет с нами Спящий efVgbiT.png!

#32 Oreseeker

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Отправлено 16 января 2015 - 22:18

kl-13, better to say " i speak english "so-so" " :) 

#33 Be5000

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Отправлено 17 января 2015 - 12:12

Oh, this place's alive, I thought it had already died. ХD

#34 Oreseeker

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Отправлено 17 января 2015 - 14:46

Be5000, the most part of users are Russians, so that's why this pub is not so popular.

We don't have any foreigners here. 

#35 Infernal

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Отправлено 06 февраля 2018 - 22:07

Oreseeker,well... You do not need to be a foreigner to speak english, right? You can be just an international person, a citizen of the World)))

Probably I might need some practice too, especially since I may need it for my life, or work, or whatsoever. Hope I haven't lost most of my skills after a year back in Russia. It used to be my primary language during my time in the Netherlands))) Which is over 3 years, by the way... Losing that advantage might be grave... 


Anyway I am completely into chatting in English)) 


What we definetely need here for a good talk - that is a good topic to discuss)) Chatting with no topic is kinda senseless. 

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